Tag: guerreiro ramos

Honor: a forgotten virtue?

Aristotle, in his two books on ethics and his treatise on politics, deals less with honor than with other virtues; Mesquita (2014) points out that although the Greek philosopher recognizes the social importance of honor and shame, these are not themes of his predilection. The framework of virtues presented in Eudemian Ethics, Book II, does […]

The Crazy of Carlos Drummond de Andrade and the Applications on our Reality

Reading good books, appreciating the arts and listening to good music develop in us a stronger ability to perceive the world around us. Reading has always exerted and will profoundly transform the sincere reader who recognizes that he knows little, and that even under that little, there is an immensity to consider. Sensitivity becomes heightened in the reading exercise and the […]

Alternative life (but not so much): reflections on the movie “Captain Fantastic” in the light of the delimitation of social systems of Guerreiro Ramos (1989)

Anyone who has watched the movie Captain Fantastic (2016), (see movie trailer) knows the inspiring character of Viggo Mortensen as the father of six children. He, along with his wife and children, chose to live alone in an American forest. Far from society, they create their own methods of study, food production and health care […]

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